Ben Feigenberg, PhD
Building & Room:
706 UH
601 S Morgan St.
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Selected Publications
Advancing the Agency of Adolescent Girls
Would Eliminating Racial Disparities in Motor Vehicle Searches Have Efficiency Costs?
Fenced Out: The Impact of Border Construction on U.S.-Mexico Migration
Priced Out: Aggregate Income Shocks and School Pricing in the Chilean Voucher Market
Illusory Gains from Chile’s Targeted School Voucher Experiment
The Violent Consequences of Trade-Induced Worker Displacement in Mexico
Racial Divisions and Criminal Justice: Evidence from Southern State Courts
Omitted Variable Bias in Interacted Models: A Cautionary Tale
Working Papers
From Retributive to Restorative: An Alternative Approach to Justice in Schools
(with Anjali Adukia and Fatemeh Momeni)
Revisions requested, American Economic Review
Class Disparities and Discrimination in Traffic Stops and Searches
(with Conrad Miller)
(with Shalise Ayromloo and Darren Lubotsky)
[Email for draft]
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014
Research Currently in Progress
Labor Economics, Development Economics, Economics of Crime, Economics of Education