Richard M. Peck, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Building & Room:
726 UH
601 S Morgan St.
Office Phone:
Selected Publications
“What is the Potential Cost-Effectiveness of Enforcing a Prohibition on the Sale of Tobacco to Minors,” (with J. D. DiFranza, et. al.), Preventative Medicine, 32, 168-174, (2001).
“The Inefficiency of the Poll Tax,” Journal of Public Economics, 67 (1998), 241-252.
“What Happened to Peoria: The Impact of Airline Deregulation,” Transportation Quarterly, 48 (Spring 1994), 149-162.
“Taxation, Risk and Returns to Scale,” Journal of Public Economics, 40 (1989), 319-330.
“Uncertain Lifetime and Ordinal Impatience,” (with P. Srinagesh), Economic Letters, 24 (1987), 121-124.
“Power, Majority Voting and Linear Income Tax Schedules: An Example,” Econometrica, 54 (January 1986) 87-94.
PhD, Princeton University, 1983
Professional Memberships
Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, 1987-1988
Ameritech Research Fellow, 1989-1990
Consultant, World Bank, Word Health Organization, City of Chicago
Research Currently in Progress
Taxation; Regulation, Tobacco Control