Photo of Stanford, William G.

William G. Stanford, PhD

Associate Professor


Selected Grants

National Science Foundation Grant, Economics Unit, Grant No. -8720334, 1988-1990

Selected Publications

“Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria and the Probabilistic Prospects of Stackelberg Players,” Operations Research Letters, 38, (2010), 94-96.

“Individually Rational Pure Strategies in Large Games,” Games and Economic Behavior, 47, (2004) 221-233.

“On Comparing Equilibrium and Optimum Payoffs in a Class of Discrete Bimatrix Games,” Mathematical Social Sciences, 39, (2000), pp. 13-20.

“The Limit Distribution of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Symmetric Bimatrix Games,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 21 (1996), pp. 726-733.

“Finite Rationality and Interpersonal Complexity in Repeated Games,” (with Ehud Kalai), Econometrica,  56 (1988), pp. 397-410.


PhD, Northwestern University, 1984

Research Currently in Progress

Repeated games - Issues of strategic and computational complexity

Probabilistic Aspects of Game Theory Solution Concepts