John A. Tauras, PhD
Associate Professor
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707 UH
601 S Morgan St.
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Selected Publications
Smoke Free Air Laws, Cigarette Prices, and Adult Cigarette Demand (no co-authors), Economic Inquiry, 44(2): 333-342, 2006
“The Role of Retail Prices and Promotions in Policy Determining Cigarette Brand Market Shares” (with Richard Peck and Frank Chaloupka, Review of Industrial Organization,28(3): 153-284, 2006
“An Empirical Analysis of Adult Cigarette Demand”, (no-coauthors) Eastern Economic Journal, 31(3): 361-375, 2005
“Can Public Policy Deter Smoking Escalation Among Young Adults?” (no-coauthors), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(4): 771-784, 2005
“The Importance of Peer Effects, Cigarette Prices and Tobacco Control Policies for Youth Smoking Behavior” (with Lisa Powell and Hana Ross), Journal of Health Economics, 24(5): 950-968, 2005
“State Tobacco Control Spending and Youth Smoking” (Tauras, et al.) American Journal of Public Health, 95(2): 338-344, 2005
PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998
Professional Memberships
Research Associate, Health Economics Program, National Bureau of Economic Research.
Faculty Affiliate, Institute of Health Research and Policy, 2004-present.
Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Michigan, as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Program, 1998-2000.
Principal Investigator on a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation titled “Public Policy and Smokeless Tobacco Use”, March 1, 2004 - February 28, 2006.
Principal Investigator on a grant from the National Cancer Institute titled “Smoking Transitions: The Impact of Government Policy”, 2/1/02 – 1/3105.
Research Currently in Progress
Government regulation of unhealthy behaviors including smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use
Impact of public policy on adolescent obesity and physical activity